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DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH

DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH

We are a service provider in the fields of water ecology, water management and landscape planning. Take advantage of our diverse experience in the scientific and applied fields and inform yourself about the range of services and reference projects of DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH.



Reed bed fire on lake Neusiedel

On January 13th, 2024, a large-scale fire brigade exercise took place at Lake Neusiedl near Jois, during which training was given to combat a large reed fire. The exercise was scientifically monitored to document the effects of such a fire on the environment, wildlife and water.

more [GER]

DWS Hydro-Ecology is part of the scientific support program with studies on water quality.


Warding off freshwater salinization: Do current criteria measure up?

Salinization is a global threat to freshwater habitats that has been intensified by climate change. In our work in Austrian waters, we repeatedly encounter algae and animals that actually belong in brackish or saline water and not in freshwater. But how is salinity actually assessed?

A contribution to the topic of salinity criteria for the protection of freshwater ecosystems. (Download)


DWS in the South Caucasus – EU4Environment

DWS provides experts in an EU program (EU4Environment) on behalf of the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt) in Vienna and this time Wolfram was in the South Caucasus. We train our colleagues from Armenia and Georgia in sampling, evaluation and interpretation for phytobenthos and macrozoobenthos.

Two articles from that journey in the local press:



With high demands on quality and accuracy of the analytical results, we have established a quality management system for our chemical testing laboratory according to the guidelines of ÖVE/ÖNORM EN ISO/IEC 17025. In September 2010, the laboratory was accredited as a testing laboratory by the Federal Ministry of Economics, Family and Youth (BMWFJ):
BMWFJ-92.714/0659-I/12/2010 Identification No. [PSID] 315.
Our analyses are carried out in accordance with national and international standards (see scope of accreditation). The correctness of our work is regularly monitored by auditors of Accreditation Austria and confirmed several times a year by international interlaboratory comparisons.


DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH
Margaretenstraße 85/3 | 1050 Vienna
phone: +43 1 548 23 10
email: office@dws-hydro-oekologie.at

DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH – Office Tirol
Rotholzerweg 9d – 6200 Jenbach
phone: +43 660 155 68 99
Ulrich Donabaum
E-mail: ulrich.donabaum@dws-hydro-oekologie.at

DWS Hydro-Ökologie GmbH – Office Upper Austria
Falkenberg 15 – 4113 St. Martin im Mühlkreis
phone: +43 1 548 23 10 -45
Romana Niedermayr
E-mail: romana.niedermayr@dws-hydro-oekologie.at